Journey with me

Hi, I’m Laura!

Since I was a child in Barcelona, I loved the confidence that came with feeling beautiful... and I wanted to share that feeling with others.

Some of my fondest memories are of my mother practising her massages on me before her exams and soaking up the serene energy in her treatment room in our apartment once she became certified.

I might have started by sneaking into that room to see all her amazing products and polishes, but by 21, I had opened my tattoo and beauty centre.

Following my passion, I specialised in treatments, such as advanced facials, micro-needling, and advanced massage, but my favourite and most popular service was medical tattooing.

Meeting strong women who had beat cancer and getting to use my skills to make them feel amazing again will forever be some of my proudest moments!

I learned some amazing things and met some incredible people, but after years of running my own centre, it was time for a change. So, in 2020, I successfully sold my business and made the journey from land to sea.

Now, I’m a certified massage teacher and get to travel the world as a Spa Stewardess!

Filing that application to work on a 100m super yacht was one of my most exciting and life-changing moments...

It gave me the freedom to explore, experience, and learn. It’s grown my confidence, my abilities, and my career.

It’s even allowed me to begin developing my advanced massage method: Deep Release Massage!

My story isn’t one in a million; I started out just like you...

Stepping out of my comfort zone and challenging myself to follow my passion to explore what I could achieve changed my life.

It could change your life, too, which is why I’m here!

For many of us in the beauty industry, owning your own centre is the ultimate dream. It’s what we’re told we should strive for.

It’s what many of the specialist courses we take are aimed at achieving.

But why settle for one centre when you could have the world? It’s time to go beyond the horizon and dream bigger!

It’s okay to be nervous, and it’s okay not to feel ready... I certainly didn’t. But you have something I didn’t: someone to show you the way.

I’m privileged to share everything I’ve learned. From beauty and massage techniques to tailoring your CV, I’m bringing you aboard.

I can’t wait to meet you!